Attracting Clients Without a Portfolio and When It’s Not Necessary

Round Up
a blurred image of a body in dark clothes standing in the in the background. They are point into a screen that says personal branding


Attracting clients without a portfolio can seem daunting for creatives, but it’s entirely possible with the right approach. Networking and building relationships can be more impactful than a portfolio alone. Consider offering a free initial project or consultation to showcase your skills and gain testimonials. Leverage social media to share your creative process and engage with potential clients. In some cases, a strong personal brand and word-of-mouth recommendations can outweigh the need for a traditional portfolio. Ultimately, demonstrating passion, reliability, and creativity can open doors and attract clients even without a formal showcase of past work.

  • Quality Over Quantity
  • Brand Yourself Effectively
  • Sell Your Creative Vision

Quality Over Quantity

While having a portfolio can be a valuable tool for showcasing a creative’s full range of skills, it’s not always a necessity. From my dual perspective as both a creative professional and someone who frequently hires and collaborates with other creatives, I’ve learned that sometimes less is more.

In certain situations, a single, well-executed project can be more compelling than an extensive portfolio. This is particularly true when working through third-party freelancing platforms. Often, a creator’s listing will feature just one or a few examples of their work, tailored to the specific type of project they are offering. When utilizing these platforms to hire for creative initiatives, I’ve found that these focused examples provide enough insight into a creator’s style and approach. It quickly becomes clear whether their natural style and approach align with our brand’s needs.

Ultimately, it’s about the quality of the connection you can establish with a potential client through your work. A singular, powerful project that resonates with the client’s vision can be as effective, if not more so, than an entire portfolio.

Madison Ortiz, Creative Director, Limitless Guided Visualizations

Brand Yourself Effectively

You want to make sure that you have created a brand as well. If you do not have a portfolio, your brand is going to be what speaks for you instead. Showcase what it is like to work with you, what people will feel, and use your brand as a sample of your creative work.

Jacinta Gandy, Brand and Website Designer, The Social Circle

Sell Your Creative Vision

A portfolio is a stand-in for your capability to deliver on a creative vision. A great portfolio answers only half of the equation—the ability to deliver. The ability to ideate and strategize is poorly represented by a portfolio, and that’s the part that you sell in person with your passion, vision, and sales acumen. 

If your tangibles are light, focus on your intangibles to win. If you’ve got some spare time, use your tangible skills to create some examples and demo materials—in the advertising world, creatives understand the value (and headaches) of spec pitches for this exact reason. 

A portfolio merely shows what level of final product you are capable of producing; what we as creatives actually sell is the vision of what we are going to create for a specific client or use case.

Jason Schutte, Creative Director, Apis Productions

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