17 Ways AI is Reshaping the Creative Industries

Two robotic arms and working on a raspberry pi.


Exploring the impact of artificial intelligence on the arts, we’ve gathered insights from seventeen creative professionals, including Creative Directors and CEOs. Dive into the transformative ways AI is being integrated across creative industries, as explained by those at the forefront of this digital evolution.

  • AI Enhances Creative Brainstorming
  • AI Streamlines Video Production
  • AI Expands Photographic Possibilities
  • AI Accelerates Production Design
  • AI Democratizes Music Creation
  • AI Empowers Graphic Designers
  • AI Predicts Creative Market Trends
  • AI Benefits Experienced Fashion Designers
  • AI Complements Human Creativity
  • AI Transforms Graphic Design
  • Generative AI Ideates Content
  • AI Validates Human Creative Value
  • AI Influences Fashion Design
  • AI Democratizes Artistic Creation
  • AI as a Compositional Muse
  • AI Kickstarts Creative Projects
  • AI Suggests Film Content Enhancements

Enhances Creative Brainstorming

AI is significantly reshaping creative industries by providing fresh perspectives and enhancing the creative process. For instance, AI-assisted brainstorming tools enable professionals to explore multiple angles and gain insights quickly, saving time on research and facilitating innovative solutions. AI’s capabilities in visualization, data analysis, automation, and content creation are reducing the demand for junior roles focused on repetitive tasks. Consequently, junior professionals must develop a creative mindset and learn to provide accurate instructions to AI systems. Senior professionals play a crucial role in evaluating AI-generated outputs to ensure they align with the creative vision, leading to new roles that emphasize problem-solving and collaboration.

Winnie Chan, Creative Director, Heydaysss Limited

Streamlines Video Production

One of the most immediate benefits of AI in video production we’ve been leveraging is the automation of routine and time-consuming tasks. For instance, we are increasingly utilizing AI-driven audio editing tools for cleaning up audio tracks by removing unwanted background noise. Previously, while capturing and recording on-camera dialogue during on-location productions, we’d have to stop shooting until the jet airplane flew overhead, or the distant sound of sirens had faded. As such, these interruptions in the production process would result in much-valued time wasted.

Now, with AI’s ability to analyze a recording, isolate a voice, and remove unwanted background noise, we can significantly save time both during the location shooting process and reduce the time spent on audio post-production cleanup efforts. An absolute win-win for both us and our clients!

Todd Gross, Owner-Creative Director, New World Productions

Expands Photographic Possibilities

AI is a unique tool for creatives. It’s changing the way we all work and how we approach a project. Not only because it stretches us to create something that AI can’t, but also to consider the ways it can enhance our work. I do a lot of photo compositing, and having access to AI gives me a whole new realm of what’s possible. Instead of having to find or shoot imagery to create what I envision, I can utilize AI to expand my options and create elements that I don’t have direct access to in photography.

Amber Andrews, CEO and Digital Artist, Andrews Artistry

Accelerates Production Design

The most immediate area I see AI reshaping is production design. Creatives and even non-creatives can quickly generate assets, which dramatically cuts down on production time. You still need the initial idea of what you need to create and some creative skill to curate and edit the final image, but it’s much faster to have AI help get there.

Derek Ambrosio, Creative Director, Creative Roam

Democratizes Music Creation

AI is significantly reshaping the creative industries, particularly in the realm of music production. For instance, AI-driven tools are now capable of composing music, generating melodies, and even producing full tracks. These tools can analyze vast amounts of musical data to create compositions that mimic various styles and genres, enabling musicians and producers to experiment with new sounds and ideas more efficiently. AI’s ability to quickly generate music has democratized the production process, allowing even those with limited technical skills to create professional-sounding tracks. This shift not only accelerates the creative process but also opens up new possibilities for collaboration and innovation within the music industry.

Marissa Sabrina, Creative Director, LeadLearnLeap

Empowers Graphic Designers

AI is significantly changing the creative industries, especially through its impact on graphic design. For instance, AI-driven design tools can analyze extensive design data to suggest layouts, color schemes, and even entire design concepts based on the project’s requirements.

Suppose you have to create a new brand identity. In the past, this would involve numerous hours of brainstorming, sketching, and revisions. Now, AI tools can quickly generate multiple design options personalized to specific brand attributes. This not only speeds up the process but also sparks creativity by providing fresh ideas that might not have been considered otherwise.

Additionally, AI’s ability to automate repetitive tasks like resizing images or adjusting layouts for different platforms allows designers to focus more on the creative aspects of their work. This results in more time for innovation and higher-quality designs. AI isn’t replacing designers; it’s empowering them to expand the boundaries of their creativity and efficiency.

Ihor Kirpichnikov, Senior Graphic Designer, Ikagency.com

Predicts Creative Market Trends

How is AI reshaping creative industries?

To answer that, let’s first consider what makes a creative project profitable. From my experience in media and entertainment, the key factors are good distribution channels, effective advertising, strong consumer demand, efficient internal workflows, and excellent cost management.

AI is vital for the creative industry because it enhances all these aspects through improved analytics, better data management, optimized content creation, and efficient marketing.

But, surprisingly, the key trend in AI for the creative industry isn’t content generation but prediction and analytics, which help artists cater to audience preferences. For instance, machine learning can predict hit songs with 97% accuracy by analyzing listeners’ neural data. This precision is transforming how the music industry understands and targets its audience.

AI is revolutionizing personalization in the creative market by tailoring user experiences across various platforms. In gaming, AI adjusts gameplay based on the player’s skill and preferences. In publishing and media, AI helps creators choose content that resonates with their audience.

AI’s impact isn’t limited to personalization. It’s a significant productivity booster. In film and television, AI algorithms assist in scriptwriting, editing, and even casting decisions based on audience data. AI-generated background music for games, movies, and commercials ensures that the content matches the desired mood and style, making production more efficient. For visual arts, AI tools can create sophisticated artwork and help design marketing materials, saving time and costs.

What does the future hold for AI in the creative industry?

According to recent research by Allied Market Research, the generative AI in the creative industries market is projected to reach $21.6 billion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of 29.6%.

Despite these impressive numbers, AI won’t fully replace artists like musicians, sound engineers, scriptwriters, and creative directors. This growth is largely driven by AI’s ability to streamline repetitive tasks and enhance prediction and analytics, helping artists better meet audience preferences.

Jerzy Biernacki, Chief AI Officer, Miquido

Benefits Experienced Fashion Designers

In my opinion, AI can be very helpful to creative people, but only when they have already achieved a certain level of mastery in their respective fields. Because at the end of the day, AI is a tool, and like any tool, it is made to help us. But if someone doesn’t even know about the art form, what use do they have for the tool?

For example, let’s look at fashion designing. AI can analyze vast datasets of clothing styles, trends, and fabrics. It can then generate original garment designs or suggest modifications based on your preferences. This can be great for senior designers who are experiencing a creative block. With their experience, they can pick and choose the suggestions of AI, and by mixing their own creativity and knowledge, they can come up with great designs.

But when a newbie designer who has very little to no experience in designing pieces from scratch starts getting help from AI, they are most likely to just copy and paste the AI-generated ideas. As a result, they end up completely turning off their own imaginations and creative abilities.

So, I believe AI has the power to reshape creative industries and make them more efficient, but only when people are treating it as a tool and not a substitute for their creativity.

Sai Viswesh, Software Engineer and product lead, Consainsights

Complements Human Creativity

While some creatives are shaking in their boots at the mere thought of AI taking over, I see it much differently. AI is a tool you can use in any way that suits you. For me, it compliments my work as a creative by taking over the parts of my job that are time-consuming, tedious, or unfulfilling—tasks that are so straightforward that a literal robot could do them. Instead of spending half my time on these tasks, I now spend significantly more time doing the things that only the human mind can do: being wildly creative, thoughtful, empathetic, and daring in my work.

For example, instead of spending hours a day editing copy, I can now utilize a mix of Grammarly and ChatGPT to edit that same copy for grammar and punctuation at the same level as I could. This allows me to focus all my editing efforts on word choice and style (the steps that real humans excel in). AI enables me and my team to streamline straightforward, non-creative (but absolutely essential) processes, so we can spend more time working on creative tasks that build incredible value for our clients.

Annie Vann, Creative Director, Parklife

Transforms Graphic Design

AI is like that new kid in school who shows up out of nowhere, aces all the tests, and makes everyone else look like they’re just scraping by. In the creative industries, AI is reshaping the landscape faster than you can say ‘Skynet.’ One particularly striking example is in graphic design. Gone are the days when designers slaved over a hot computer to create bespoke logos and layouts. Now, thanks to AI, we have algorithms that can churn out designs in milliseconds.

Let’s talk about AI tools like Canva’s Magic Resize or Adobe’s Sensei. These programs analyze thousands of design elements and trends, then spit out polished, professional-looking graphics while the rest of us mere mortals are still trying to remember where the ‘Undo’ button is. Imagine telling a seasoned graphic designer from a decade ago that a machine would be doing their job better and faster—they’d probably laugh, cry, or both. It’s like being a traditional artist watching Photoshop take over—except now Photoshop has a mind of its own and is probably plotting world domination.

And it’s not just about speed and efficiency. AI can analyze market trends and consumer preferences, tailoring designs to what’s likely to sell best. It’s like having a crystal ball, but instead of foreseeing the future, it just makes you obsolete. The upside? Businesses can now get high-quality designs without the hefty price tag. The downside? Well, if you’re a designer, you might want to start brushing up on your robot maintenance skills.

So, in summary, AI is not just reshaping the creative industries; it’s flipping the table, laughing maniacally, and daring anyone to pick up the pieces. It’s revolutionizing graphic design by combining speed, efficiency, and market analysis in ways that make human designers look like they’re using crayons in comparison. Welcome to the future, where AI is the king of creativity and we’re all just here for the ride.

Francisco Gonzalez, CTO, LeWebsite Tech

Generative AI Ideates Content

With the use of Generative AI becoming more commonplace, we have seen a big shift in how content is being generated. Historically, we had to rely on human creativity to come up with ideas and on computers to bring that idea/vision into reality. Now, we are also seeing content being ideated by Large Language Models. For example, scriptwriting for movies used to be completely done by scriptwriters, while now we are seeing comprehensive scripts being generated by AI using the prompts provided by the user.

Pushkar Garg, Staff Machine Learning Engineer, Clari

Democratizes Artistic Creation

It’s causing more disruption through a lack of clear process, understanding, or legislation. And this is not surprising. It’s the next in a string of industrial revolutions. This effect, and response, can be traced as far back as Aristotle. 

The shift here is the same as in process automation, mechatronics, or others, in that it removes the laborious tasks, the repetitive activities, and the reliance on humans in mass production. This has an immediate, current-state impact on people and the creative industry. It does mean that repro, roll-out, rotoscoping, retouching, and finished art will slowly be entirely replaced by autonomous systems, or AI. 

It does mean that there is a democratization of art and artistry—a topic that comes with a whole heap of deeper conversations about rights, intellectual property, attribution, and the like. 

The optimist in me sees the opportunity for those who feel undone by a reshaped industry, to lean into what makes creativity so beautifully impactful on the world: a human’s ability to create illogical, irrational, imaginative fiction. To see the world in completely new, different, and divergent ways. AI can’t do that. It replicates and synthesizes based upon a set amount of inputs and triggers. 

Humans create, explore, diverge, converge, and take dialectic pathways to new, undiscovered answers. 

Whether in the arts themselves, or in communication, or film and broadcasting—to science, innovation, disruption, strategy, research, and policy. Creativity is beautiful and is enabled by AI, not thwarted.

Jason Perelson, Partner, ThinkPlaceᵡ

AI as a Compositional Muse

AI is swiftly reworking the creative landscape, and the music industry is no exception. One interesting area of impact is track composition. AI algorithms can analyze vast datasets of music, identifying patterns and styles. With this knowledge, AI can generate original compositions, mimicking existing genres or even creating completely new sonic territories.

This does not mean AI is replacing musicians. Instead, it acts as a powerful tool. Composers can use AI to spark creativity, generate variations on themes, or even create entire backing tracks. This frees them to focus on melody, lyrics, and the overall creative vision. The future of music holds exciting opportunities as human and artificial creativity become increasingly intertwined.

Priyanka Saini, SEO Specialist, Knowledge Sourcing Intelligence

Kickstarts Creative Projects

AI is significantly enhancing creativity and productivity across various industries by helping to overcome the common challenge of the “blank screen.” AI tools empower creators to engage in more efficient brainstorming and development processes by rapidly generating ideas, drafts, and designs. This allows artists, designers, writers, and other creatives to quickly jumpstart their projects and move into more profound, innovative work.

Many AI-driven tools speed up the creation process and provide various options that might not have been initially considered, broadening the scope of creative possibilities. This leads to more robust, diverse outcomes and a faster iteration cycle. As a result, creators can refine their work more effectively, pushing the boundaries of traditional creative practices and exploring new artistic territories with greater ease and flexibility.

Volodymyr Sokolovskyi, CEO and Founder, Go Wombat OÜ

Suggests Film Content Enhancements

AI contributes to developing new ideas for the creative industry by analyzing film or television content and suggesting changes to enhance the viewer’s experience. Traditionally, creating successful film or TV content involves extensive brainstorming, writing, shooting, and post-production processes, all largely based on human intuition and experience. AI revolutionizes this by introducing advanced analytics and predictive algorithms that assess content at multiple production stages.

AI algorithms analyze data from previous films and TV shows to identify patterns that resonate with audiences. This includes aspects such as plot structure, character development, dialogue, pacing, and visual style. By examining these patterns, AI provides filmmakers with insights and suggestions to enhance storytelling. It analyzes the emotional impact of scenes and suggests modifications to maximize viewer engagement. Evaluating the effectiveness of dialogue and suggesting alternative lines to better convey emotions or themes is another area where AI shows promise.

Moreover, AI can predict viewer reactions to specific elements of a film or show before its release. By analyzing social media trends, audience reviews, and demographic data, AI forecasts how different segments of the audience are likely to respond. This allows filmmakers to tailor their content more precisely to their target audience, potentially increasing the chances of commercial success. Netflix, for example, uses AI to analyze viewer data and recommend content that matches individual preferences. Beyond recommendations, Netflix’s AI helps in creating original content by understanding trending stories and genres, ensuring they have a built-in audience.

While AI offers these benefits, skepticism remains about its quality and authenticity. AI provides filmmakers with numerous tools, but it cannot replace the inherent creativity and critical thinking that humans bring to the table. The creative industry is fundamentally intended for people, and human creators best design content for themselves, either with the help of AI or independently. If AI were to replace the creative industry, it would only happen if humans became shallow beings who no longer recognize multiple meanings, layered messages, and critical thinking. In such a scenario, innovation and creation would cease, rendering the creative industry obsolete.

Senad Hajlovac, Project Coordinator

Validates Human Creative Value

AI continues to shine a light on just how important human content creators are. I feel like the more people use AI for writing and art, the more they value human creatives and the skills they’ve taken a lifetime to develop. Humans bring unique insights and perspectives to their work, while AI repackages what already exists. Humans infuse the unexpected, while AI delivers predictability.

I believe AI is a technology best leveraged by creatives rather than companies trying to replace human creators.

Creative professionals are in the best position to work with AI to complement their skills and give clients the best of both worlds. They’re also able to maintain high-quality deliverables because they know what high quality looks and functions like; non-creatives trying to use AI as a shortcut often lack the understanding of why content is created in a certain way or why it works (or doesn’t), which ultimately sets them up for failure.

Alli Hill, Founder and Creative Director, Fleurish Freelance

Influences Fashion Design

AI is revolutionizing the fashion industry in multiple ways, but one area it’s particularly impacting is pattern and textile design. As a creative director, I’m finding that AI algorithms are becoming instrumental in interpreting and forecasting trends. This allows designers like myself to anticipate market preferences and produce innovative patterns that resonate with consumers. Furthermore, AI tools are enhancing our ability to customize designs on a scale previously unattainable. With machine learning, we can create personalized garments that reflect an individual’s style and fit preferences, aligning perfectly with Amarra’s ethos of uniqueness and personalization. AI-assisted design software also streamlines the creative process by suggesting alterations and improvements, thus shortening product development cycles and enabling a more responsive approach to fashion. It’s a transformative time in our industry, and embracing AI is imperative for staying ahead in a highly competitive environment.

Abhi Madan, Co-Founder & Creative Director, Amarra

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