How to Adapt Your Content for SEO and Social Media Algorithm Changes

Expert Roundup
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Algorithm changes continue to shape the way content is discovered and consumed, experts across SEO, Paid, and Social Media fields emphasize the importance of staying informed and adaptable. Staying updated with industry news and networks offers insights into shifts. Flexibility in strategies and content diversification helps mitigate risks and focusing on quality ensures content thrives, keeping audiences engaged and businesses successful.

  • Create ICP-Focused Content, Not Algorithm-Driven
  • Stay Adaptable with Quality, Diversified Content
  • Anticipate Changes with Regular Content Audits
  • Prioritize High-Quality Content and Diverse Traffic
  • Create Relevant Content, Adapt Post-Algorithm Rollout
  • Monitor and Adapt to Algorithmic Trends
  • Implement Technical SEO for Algorithm Resilience
  • Focus on Value-Driven Content for Social Impact
  • Adopt a People-First Content Approach

Create ICP-Focused Content, Not Algorithm-Driven

Stick with the fundamentals, and don’t try to game the algorithms. Create content that connects with the ICP and not for algorithms. I can’t stress this enough; it is something that is core to our content strategies within our agency. Solve problems, identify what your ICP is looking for, what they are trying to solve, and create content around that.

Adam Haworth, Founder, Contactora

Stay Adaptable with Quality, Diversified Content

I focus on staying adaptable by keeping my content high-quality and user-focused. Regularly monitoring analytics helps me catch any changes early. I also make sure to diversify my strategy, balancing organic SEO with paid and social efforts, so that no single algorithm change can derail everything.

Stay informed by following industry updates and testing new approaches on a small scale before rolling them out widely. Also, keep your content evergreen where possible, and always prioritize user experience. Lastly, don’t put all your eggs in one basket—spread your efforts across multiple platforms and channels to stay resilient.

Tyson Downs, Owner at Titan Web Agency an Online Marketing Agency for Doctors & Business Professionals, Titan Web Agency

Anticipate Changes with Regular Content Audits

It’s important to have a solid strategy if you want to stay ahead of these changes. We keep a close eye on industry news and updates from major platforms like Google and Facebook. This helps us anticipate any major algorithm changes before they happen. One of our key practices is auditing our clients’ content and ad performance on a regular basis. 

Monitoring metrics, we can quickly find any unusual fluctuations that might indicate an algorithm update. This allows us to then adjust our strategies in real-time so that we can minimize any negative impact. 

A great tip is to diversify content and ad types. By using various formats, like blogs, videos, infographics, and different ad types, we reduce the risk of being heavily impacted by a single algorithmic shift. Diversity ensures that even if one type of content takes a hit, the other types of content you have will continue to perform well.

Esther Buttery, Director, CLIQ Marketing Content

Prioritize High-Quality Content and Diverse Traffic

When it comes to strategizing for algorithmic changes that impact content, I focus on creating a strong foundation that can withstand shifts. Algorithm updates are inevitable, and instead of chasing every change, I prioritize high-quality content that serves the user’s intent. This means conducting thorough keyword research, understanding user behavior, and consistently optimizing content based on performance data. 

For instance, after a major Google update, I noticed a drop in rankings for some of my clients’ sites. Rather than panic, I reassessed the affected content, updated it with fresher, more relevant information, and improved the user experience. This approach not only restored their rankings but also made their content more resilient to future changes.

One of the best practices I follow is diversifying traffic sources. While SEO is crucial, relying solely on it can be risky. I integrate paid and social media strategies to ensure a steady flow of traffic, even if an algorithm change temporarily affects organic rankings. By continuously testing and adapting across multiple channels, I can maintain visibility and reach. This holistic approach not only mitigates the impact of algorithmic shifts but also ensures that my clients’ content remains relevant and accessible to their target audience.

Brandon Leibowitz, Owner, SEO Optimizers

Create Relevant Content, Adapt Post-Algorithm Rollout

The best approach is to consistently create relevant, well-researched content across all platforms. This strategy significantly reduces the risk of negative impacts from algorithm updates. If you do experience changes, don’t panic or make hasty adjustments. Wait for the complete algorithm rollout, then conduct a thorough audit of your content to identify which pieces were affected. Focus your efforts on improving and optimizing these specific areas. 

This patient, data-driven approach allows you to adapt effectively while maintaining overall content quality. Algorithms generally aim to reward valuable content, so by prioritizing user needs and maintaining high standards, you’ll achieve higher rankings.

Andreea Zorz, Head of SEO, DistantJob

Monitor and Adapt to Algorithmic Trends

We prioritize data-driven insights and regularly monitor shifts in algorithms across platforms. For instance, when Facebook’s algorithm favored video content more heavily, we adjusted our strategy by increasing video post frequency and enhancing video quality. We also experimented with different formats and content styles to gauge what resonated best with our audience. This flexibility allows us to quickly adapt and optimize our content strategy according to the latest algorithmic trends.

Moreover, constant testing and iteration are crucial. We rely on A/B testing to determine the effectiveness of our content under different algorithm conditions. By analyzing engagement metrics and adjusting our approach based on real-time data, we can refine our strategy to maintain visibility and engagement. This iterative process has been vital in adapting to changes while ensuring our content remains relevant and effective.

Dinesh Agarwal, Founder, CEO, RecurPost

Implement Technical SEO for Algorithm Resilience

Implementing technical SEO best practices ensures that a website remains resilient to algorithm changes. I focus on site speed, mobile-friendliness, and secure connections (HTTPS), which are often emphasized in Google’s core updates. By conducting regular technical audits and addressing issues promptly, I can safeguard my clients’ sites against potential negative impacts from algorithmic updates, ensuring sustained traffic and rankings.

Slavko Kovacevic, Head of SEO, Health Link SEO

Focus on Value-Driven Content for Social Impact

Here is the fact: there are no changes in algorithms that can affect your brand on social media as long as you create unique, inspirational, or educational content that is relevant to your business and can add VALUE/LEARNING/ENTERTAINMENT to your followers’ lives. Every algorithm update favors great content. The part of dealing with algorithm changes doesn’t stop at creating great content. 

One needs to constantly update their social media as well as their website with new content. In an ideal scenario, websites might require updated content once a week, and social media platforms at least three days a week.

Consumption of content by users has exponentially increased by every minute. Most algorithm changes attempt to bring down non-original content, which overall helps everyone.

I work with many clients, and one of the ways that helped them improve their following and brand visibility was by creating and posting relevant content, which was uniquely conveyed to their audience. Being active and creating original content is one of the keys to unlocking a positive social impact on your brand.

Milan Bulchandani, Social Media Manager, Olshan Foundation Solutions

Adopt a People-First Content Approach

The best strategy for algorithmic changes is simply to write content first for people, then for search engines. When you have a people-first approach, you’ll consistently create articles that add real value to the reader. It will be well-researched and unique. There will never be an algorithm update that penalizes this type of content.

Michelle Dercksen, Content Manager, Batlinks

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